Intro To 'pr' Command In Linux
2024-01-03 - By Robert Elder
I use the 'pr' command to format text files for printing. For example, here I have a file called 'interject.txt':
cat interject.txt
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're
referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've
recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is
not an operating system unto itself, but rather another
free component of a fully functioning GNU system made
useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital
system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
If I run the 'pr' command like this:
pr interject.txt
the output will include some of the standard headers that you expect to see on printed documents:
024-01-11 19:00 interject.txt Page 1
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're
referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've
recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is
not an operating system unto itself, but rather another
free component of a fully functioning GNU system made
useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital
system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Document Formatting With The 'pr' Command
The 'pr' command includes a number of other features for formatting documents. To illustrate some of these features, imagine the following scenario where you've been given a pink slip stating that your employment has been terminated:

At this point, you might consider making a resume to find a new job so that you can pay your negatively amortized Canadian mortgage:
cat resume.txt
It all started back in the year 2007 when I decided to write a fishing bot for the online video game "World of Warcraft". Things were different back in those days. I used to have all the time in the world to learn about programming, so that's exactly what I did. I started out writing visual basic programs but they would alwas end up crashing because of memory leaks, but back in those days, I didn't even know what a memory leak was! I used to listen to Dj Tiesto remixes while I was programming. Ah, the good ole days. Back when Tiesto made his best work. Some people say his newer stuff is pretty good, but I think it kind of just all sounds the same. But anyways, where was I? Oh yes, the visual basic programs. So I was working on writing a visual basic program to backtest various day trading strategies, but I guess that's confusing because I just said that I was working on a fishing bot for World of Warcraft, but hey, I can work on more than one thing a time right? It turns out that writing a bot that can day trade the stock market is kind of hard, so then I decided to get a degree in software engineering. 5 years later I realized that even if you know how to program a trading bot, you're probably not going to be successful with the trading bot alone, so I abandoned the idea. I guess if you also learned a lot about the finance industry too, and got some high-speed connections directly into the exchanges? I watched some documentaries that talk about how much effort these automated trading exchanges put in so much time and effort just to get lower latency. It's really expensive stuff, and I don't have the start up capital to even think about trying that. Anyways, I hope I'm not rambling too much. How are things going with you? I hope I'm doing well on this resume, because I am extremely desperate and no one seems to want to hire for some reason.
I am seeking a position to successfully succeed in my goals to further my goal of self-actualizing and making the world a better place.
- CEO of Robert Elder Software Inc. (2014 to 2023)
- Beej's Guide to Network Programming
jQuery UI,
C++ 2011
Azure Cloud
I can use the 'pr' command to format the above resume in the style of an original Unix version 1 document from 1971:
cat resume.txt | fold -w 20 | pr -h "HIRE THIS MAN" --columns 2 -n -s" " -w 60
2024-01-12 15:33 HIRE THIS MAN Page 1
1 Introduction 57 I decided to get a
2 58 degree in software e
3 It all started back 59 ngineering. 5 years
4 in the year 2007 whe 60 later I realized th
5 n I decided to write 61 at even if you know
6 a fishing bot for t 62 how to program a tra
7 he online video game 63 ding bot, you're pro
8 "World of Warcraft" 64 bably not going to b
9 . Things were diffe 65 e successful with th
10 rent back in those d 66 e trading bot alone,
11 ays. I used to have 67 so I abandoned the
12 all the time in the 68 idea. I guess if yo
13 world to learn abou 69 u also learned a lot
14 t programming, so th 70 about the finance i
15 at's exactly what I 71 ndustry too, and got
16 did. I started out 72 some high-speed con
17 writing visual basic 73 nections directly in
18 programs but they w 74 to the exchanges? I
19 ould alwas end up cr 75 watched some docume
20 ashing because of me 76 ntaries that talk ab
21 mory leaks, but back 77 out how much effort
22 in those days, I di 78 these automated trad
23 dn't even know what 79 ing exchanges put in
24 a memory leak was! 80 so much time and ef
25 I used to listen to 81 fort just to get low
26 Dj Tiesto remixes wh 82 er latency. It's re
27 ile I was programmin 83 ally expensive stuff
28 g. Ah, the good ole 84 , and I don't have t
29 days. Back when Ti 85 he start up capital
30 esto made his best w 86 to even think about
31 ork. Some people sa 87 trying that. Anyway
32 y his newer stuff is 88 s, I hope I'm not ra
33 pretty good, but I 89 mbling too much. Ho
34 think it kind of jus 90 w are things going w
35 t all sounds the sam 91 ith you? I hope I'm
36 e. But anyways, whe 92 doing well on this
37 re was I? Oh yes, t 93 resume, because I am
38 he visual basic prog 94 extremely desperate
39 rams. So I was work 95 and no one seems to
40 ing on writing a vis 96 want to hire for so
41 ual basic program to 97 me reason.
42 backtest various da 98
43 y trading strategies 99
44 , but I guess that's 100 Summary
45 confusing because I 101
46 just said that I wa 102 I am seeking a posit
47 s working on a fishi 103 ion to successfully
48 ng bot for World of 104 succeed in my goals
49 Warcraft, but hey, I 105 to further my goal o
50 can work on more th 106 f self-actualizing a
51 an one thing a time 107 nd making the world
52 right? It turns out 108 a better place.
53 that writing a bot 109
54 that can day trade t 110 Experience
55 he stock market is k 111
56 ind of hard, so then 112 - CEO of Robert Eld
2024-01-12 15:33 HIRE THIS MAN Page 2
113 er Software Inc. (20 136 d3.js,
114 14 to 2023) 137 Postgresql,
115 138 Mysql,
116 Education 139 mongodb,
117 140 Docker,
118 - Beej's Guide to N 141 Python,
119 etwork Programming 142 Java,
120 143 Javascript,
121 Skills 144 ISO C89
122 145 ISO C99
123 AngularJS, 146 C++ 2011
124 Backbone.js, 147
125 Ember.js, 148 Strengths
126 Express.js, 149
127 Meteor, 150 Unix
128 Mojito, 151 Linux
129 Next.js, 152 AWS
130 Prototype, 153
131 React.js, 154 Weaknesses
132 Vue.js, 155
133 jQuery, 156 Windows
134 jQuery UI, 157 Azure Cloud
135 Underscore.js, 158
Here is the same 'pr' command from above explained in detail:
pr -h "HIRE THIS MAN" --columns 2 -n -s" " -w 60
The '-h "HIRE THIS MAN"' flag to set the page header. The '--columns 2' flag formats the pages for two columns, and the '-n' turns on line numbering. The '-s" "' flag sets the separator between columns to be four spaces, and the '-w' flag sets the page width to 60 characters.
The resulting resume can be piped directly into my "HL-L2360D-series" printer using the 'lpr' command like this:
cat resume.txt | fold -w 20 | pr -h "HIRE THIS MAN" --columns 2 -n -s" " -w 60 | lpr -P HL-L2360D-series

A resume this good is sure to generate hundreds of job offers, and allow you to afford luxuries like table salt, and not having to live with 5 roommates:

And that's why the 'pr' command is my favourite Linux command.
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